Strategic Business Consulting

Strategic Business Consulting

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We help our partners successfully navigate today's CPG landscape

We provide continuity to direct sales organizations through the following services: 1) Custom-tailored business plans that merge customer specific expertise and manufacturer objective with a clear execution strategy 2) We leverage our best-in-class category and shopper insights and industry expertise to design omni-channel promotional strategies that meet the shopper where they are 3) Headquarter support, administrative consulting and customer education for direct sales teams


Sales & Brand Portfolio Management

We provide top-tier business management and brand representation with business managers who are part sales rep, insights specialists, and entrepreneur.

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Business Analytics & Category Leadership

We offer business analytics tools and category support to turn data into actionable selling strategies for our clients. Trust us to provide the insights needed for success in today's competitive CPG market.

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Superior Sales Operations Support

RecorGroup hires & retains the best administrative staff in the market; the focus is on Sales Operations support through deduction management, open amount control and ensuring compliance to minimize manufacturer audit exposure.

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